Thermo Fisher 10001D 1 mLfor immunoprecipitation Dynabeadsprotein A
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10001D 1 mL Dynabeads Protein A for Immunoprecipitation

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Dynabeads Protein A are 2.8 µm uniform superparamagnetic microspheres with recombinant Protein A (∼45 kDa) covalently coupled to the surface. beads. Dynabeads Protein A provides an excellent alternative to Sepharose resin or agarose resin for immunoprecipitation (IP) and is available in both manual and automated protocols.

•Complete IP in less than 40 minutes
•High target protein yield and low antibody consumption
•Extremely low non-specific binding and high signal-to-noise ratio
•No need for chromatography columns, Centrifugation steps or time-consuming pre-wash steps
• High reproducibility and high throughput compatible with KingFisher instruments

Manual Dynabeads separations can be performed quickly and easily
The manual protocol is simple and can be completed in 40 minutes. First, antibodies to the target protein are incubated with Dynabeads Protein A in a test tube for 10 minutes. Wash away excess antibody by placing the tube in a DynaMag magnetic stand and removing the supernatant. The antibody-coated magnetic beads can then be used in a variety of downstream applications, including IP, Co-IP, chromatin IP (ChIP), RNA IP (RIP), small-scale IgG purification, and protein purification. Due to the unique magnetic properties of Dynabeads, bonded materials are easily collected using the DynaMag Magnetic Stand. Recombinant protein A on the beads does not contain albumin binding sites and therefore does not co-purify albumin during the procedure. IP is fast and provides high yields, high reproducibility and minimal non-specific binding, eliminating the need for pre-wash steps.

Automated Dynabeads separation helps increase throughput and reduce hands-on time
If you process multiple samples in parallel, the number of wash steps and hands-on time scale with the number of samples increase proportionally. When processing multiple samples at once, pipetting and other manual operations often produce poorer results than automation. To better handle medium to high throughput samples, reduce hands-on time and ensure high reproducibility, we developed IP solutions for the KingFisher Flex and KingFisher Duo Prime instruments. The automated protocol replicates the manual protocol, resulting in the same high target protein yields as well as the same low non-specific binding and high reproducibility. Whether you are processing 10 or 96 samples, the IP protocol can be completed in 40 minutes. 'Simply load reagents onto the plate, press the "Start" button, and by the time you're ready for downstream analysis, the IP is complete. Depending on the abundance and/or specificity of the antibody and target protein, some optimization (e.g., incubation time) may be required.

•KingFisher Duo instruments are suitable for low to medium throughput (1-12 samples/run)
•KingFisher Flex instruments are suitable for high throughput (12-96 samples/run)
See Automatic Solution
Watch a video about KingFisher Flex

Gentle separation minimizes physical stress on proteins< br>The magnetic separation technology used for Dynabeads Protein A is fast and gentle, minimizing physical stress on the target protein. This allows isolation and concentration of unstable complexes that might otherwise be dissociated by or destroyed by proteases during prolonged incubation. Preserve native protein conformations and large protein complexes.

Binding Strength and Binding Capacity
Dynabeads Protein A can separate most mammalian immunoglobulins (Igs). The amount of Ig captured depends on the concentration of Ig in the starting sample and the type and source of the Ig. 100µL Dynabeads Protein A will separate approximately 25–30 µg human IgG per ml from a sample containing 20–200µg IgG. Most sites bind to Fc to achieve optimized Ig orientation. Antibodies bind to the smooth outer surface of the beads and therefore do not adsorb into large pores as they do when bound to Sepharose/agarose-based beads. All antibodies can be used for protein binding, so only a small amount of antibody is needed to obtain a high target protein yield. The smooth magnetic bead surface also enables Dynabeads' excellent low non-specific binding capabilities.

Learn more about Dynabeads
• Dynabeads Protein A is also available in buffered solutions "ready-to-use" kit
See immunoprecipitation selection guide, data and references
• See Magnetic stand
Find Dynabeads products for other applications
< br>OEM Purchasing
If you need to purchase Dynabeads Protein A and Protein G products in the form of OEM, please contact our external authorized sales department and OEM sales department.

&ast;Sepharose is a trademark of GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.