Dynabeads™ CD19 Pan B are superparamagnetic microbeads covalently coupled to anti-human CD19 antibodies that can be obtained directly from whole blood. , bone marrow, buffy coat, mononuclear cells (MNC), and tissue digest products to easily isolate or remove human CD19
+ B cells. Advantages of Dynabeads™ CD19 Pan B:
• Rapid and efficient isolation of CD19
+ B cells from any sample—no columns required
• Positive isolation for downstream molecular testing CD19
+ cells have high purity, yield and survival rate, or can efficiently remove CD19
+ B cells
• CD19 can be quickly and efficiently removed from any sample
+ T cells
Information about Dynabeads™ CD19 Pan BDynabeads™ CD19 Pan B are uniformly sized superparamagnetic microbeads (diameter 4.5 µm), coated with a primary monoclonal antibody specific for the CD19 membrane antigen expressed primarily on human B cells. Due to the size of the beads, Dynabeads™ CD19 Pan B can easily and efficiently separate or remove cells from viscous samples such as whole blood and bone marrow in approximately 30 minutes. Dynabeads™ CD19 Pan B also enables the efficient recovery of highly pure and viable cells for downstream molecular studies; for example, cells are lysed but remain attached to the beads and further purified nucleic acids or proteins. Please note that intact cells will not be released from these beads, so if you want to isolate CD19
+ cells for cell-based applications, or you need to examine your samples with flow cytometric analysis, You can combine
DETACHaBEAD™ CD19 (purchased separately) for bead-free, antibody-free cells or use
Dynabeads™ Untouched™ Human B Cells to obtain contamination-free human B cells.
Magnetic bead-based separation technology for easy operationAdd Dynabeads™ CD19 Pan B to the sample under continuous mixing to optimize the interaction between Dynabeads™ and target cells combine. Place the sample on the magnetic stand and separate the bead-bound target molecules from the rest of the sample in just 1–2 minutes. To remove, transfer the supernatant to a new tube for further study and discard the bead-bound cells. When performing positive isolations for molecular studies, remove the supernatant and wash the bead-bound cells 2–3 times in buffer to obtain ideal purity. Cells can be lysed but still attached to the beads and the supernatant transferred to a new tube for downstream molecular analysis. Starting samples include whole blood, buffy coat, bone marrow, PBMC, or tissue digest products.
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Dynabeads™ products for a variety of applications.
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