Thermo Fisher 4444557 1 x 5 mL TaqMan Fast Advancedmaster mix
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4444557 1 x 5 mLTaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix

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TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix delivers accurate quantitation and reliability in less time on a range of qPCR instrument platforms. It delivers best-in-class performance in single and dual reactions, including a large quantifiable range, even for challenging targets. TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix contains AmpliTaq Fast DNA Polymerase, uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG), dNTPs with dUTP, ROX dye (passive reference), and optimized buffer components. It is available in 2X concentration.

TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix features include:
Outstanding Performance—better sensitivity, accuracy, dynamics than standard mixes in standard mode Range and specificity
Designed for enhanced benchtop stability—stable for up to 72 hours at room temperature in prepackaged reactions
Conducted for multi-pass assays Optimized—Validated for duality of exogenous and endogenous internal positive control assay kits
Reduced run time on fast and standard instruments (<40 minutes )—Optimized for fast modes of fast instruments and fast cycling conditions of standard instruments
Seamless transition to experiments—with TaqMan Gene Expression and microRNA Assay Kits and TaqMan Validated with Array Microfluidic Cards

Outstanding Performance
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix is designed to provide performance equivalent to or better than standard master mixes. It has been benchmarked against standard and fast master mixes from leading vendors to help ensure best-in-class sensitivity, accuracy, dynamic range and specificity are delivered. The dynamic range of TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix (up to 7 log ranges) is the broadest in the industry. The graph below compares the Ct values of TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix and TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix in a panel of gene expression assays, demonstrating the excellent sensitivity of this master mix.

Benchtop Stability for High-Throughput Processing and Convenience
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mixes are designed to last up to 72 hours in preloaded reactions high level of performance. The high stability of this master mix ensures users of high-throughput liquid handling systems that the results from the first assay plate will be similar to the results from the last assay plate. The figure below shows the analysis run at the time of assembly (time 0) and after incubation for 72 hours at 30°C, simulating an extreme room temperature scenario.

For users without extremely high throughput requirements, the enhanced stability of this master mix improves the overall ease of workflow as you are no longer limited to running assay plates immediately after assembly.

Optimized for multi-pass detection
We realize that the reliability of our results is critical. To increase confidence in the results seen in each well, TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix is designed to provide accurate results for duplex reactions using an internal positive control (IPC). The graph below shows the results for the experimental target β-actin (gene name: ACTB), which was serially diluted and amplified in single-target and dual-target reactions.

Validated for microRNA assays
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix has been validated for use in a variety of real-time PCR applications, including microRNA assays. The formulation provides high specificity and dynamic range, two critical properties that define successful results when working with microRNA. The data in the graph below shows excellent linearity of the PCR over a 6-log range of the starting template.

Shorten run time on standard instruments
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix is optimized for use with both fast and standard instruments, allowing researchers who currently have standard instruments to Gain the performance benefits and efficiencies offered by this master mix. The graph below demonstrates the impressive results achieved using TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix on the Applied Biosystems 7300 Real-Time PCR System under rapid thermal cycling conditions. This master mix has been tested on all Applied Biosystems standard real-time PCR instruments (7900HT, 7500 and 7300 Systems), ensuring success whether you have a quick-start instrument or not.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.