The Thermo Scientific 96-Well Non-Skirted Plates, White, for use in PCR and qPCR applications hold up to 0.3 mL of well volume when paired with adhesive films. The plates feature a cut corner located at H1 and are compatible with most thermal cyclers. The white color increases the signal-to-noise ratio in qPCR assays.
Features of Thermo Scientific 96-Well Non-Skirted Plates• Non-skirted format compatible with most thermal cyclers
• Available with white alpha-numeric lettering
• Cut corner: H1< br>• Clear well bottom for sample visibility
• 0.3 mL maximum well volume (when used with adhesive or heat seals)
• Unit size: 25 plates
• Sealable using Thermo-Mat, Adhesive Films and Foils , Heat Seals and Flat and Domed Cap Strips
Applications• qPCR/Real-Time PCR
The well bottom is clear for maximum visibility . Available in assorted colors with clear or black alpha-numeric lettering. Compatible with standard multichannel pipettes.
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