MagMAX™-96 Total RNA Isolation Kit is designed for rapid, medium-throughput purification from animal and plant cells and tissues RNA. RNA purified using this kit is ideal for PCR and RT-PCR applications. The kit uses magnetic bead purification and contains sufficient reagents for 96 reactions. Features of the MagMAX™-96 Total RNA Isolation Kit include:
•Enhanced lysis/binding conditions to accommodate larger sample inputs
•Includes TURBO DNase™ Treatment Reagent to minimize DNA contamination and maintaining RNA integrity
• Includes protocol for isolating RNA from plant tissue
• 96 reactions/kit for mid-throughput users
MagMAX™ Magnetic Beads Advantages of purification methodCompared with other technologies for isolating RNA, magnetic beads have many advantages. Magnetic beads bind RNA more efficiently than glass fiber filter columns, resulting in higher and more consistent RNA yields. Additionally, since no filter columns are used, there is no risk of cell particles in the sample clogging the filter columns. Because only a small number of magnetic beads are needed for efficient binding, only 20–50 µL of nuclease-free water is needed to elute bound RNA, concentrating RNA from large dilutions.
Accommodates different sample types The kit can accommodate different biological samples and a variety of cell and tissue starting amounts. The kit is optimized for high-throughput RNA isolation from 25 cells to 2 x 10
6 cells and small plant and mammalian tissue samples (up to 10mg). This experimental protocol is fully suitable for automation. The kit contains detailed guidance for routine automation, and for downloadable protocols for using this kit with specific liquid handling systems, please visit Automation Resources.
Auxiliary productslysis/binding solution concentrate (
AM8500), washing liquid 1 concentrate (AM8504) and washing liquid 2 concentrate (
AM8640) is an integral part of the kit or can be purchased separately. Plant RNA isolation auxiliary kit (
AM9690) can be used in conjunction with MagMAX™-96 total RNA isolation kit. For isolating RNA from plant tissues.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.