Use this kit to isolate pure and viable unexposed B cells from mouse lymphoid organs by negative isolation. This kit removes T cells, monocytes/macrophages, NK cells, plasma cells, CD5+ B1 cells, platelets, dendritic cells, granulocytes and red blood cells. Negatively isolated mouse B cells remained in the sample and had no contact with Dynabeads. The microbeads and antibody-free B cells are truly contact-free and appear to be in perfect shape for any functional assay and application.
High purity, recovery and survival of mice unexposed to B cells
• Easy to use and amplify
• No columns required
Dynabeads mouse CD43 (without exposure to B cells) is added directly to the sample and binds to unwanted cells. Bead-bound cells on the magnetic rack are rapidly detached and discarded. The remaining negatively isolated and unexposed mouse B cells can be analyzed directly in flow cytometry and used in any application.
Starting sample
: spleen or lymph node
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.