Thermo Fisher A28526 5 x 1 mL TaqPath 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix
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A28526 5 x 1 mLTaqPath 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix

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TaqPath One-Step Multipass Master Mix is a fast, single-tube 4X RT-qPCR mix that can be used in a single multipass reaction Sensitive and reproducible detection of up to four different RNA/DNA targets. Ideal for diagnostics, viral detection, and high-throughput gene expression workflows, this mixture includes thermostable MMLV reverse transcriptase, dNTPs, UNG, MUSTANG PURPLE dye (passive reference), and thermostable Fast DNA polymerase, all All can be done in a test tube. TaqPath is manufactured under a strong ISO13485 quality management system and is designed to produce products with consistent performance from batch to batch.

This single-tube 4X format simplifies reaction preparation—just add user-supplied assay kits and samples (Figure 1). TaqPath One-Step Multipath Master Mix offers reproducible performance even in the presence of inhibitors and stringent quality controls to minimize batch-to-batch variability, making it an excellent choice for multi-pathway diagnostic testing or development needs .

TaqPath One-Step Multi-Path Master Mix offers the following features:
• Highly sensitive detection of low-copy targets for reproducible CT results
• Wide dynamic range for RNA and DNA targets
> • Optimized for multi-pathway reactions, detect up to four targets simultaneously using MUSTANG PURPLE reference dye
• Tolerant to inhibitors commonly found in clinical samples
• Advanced manufacturing production and process control Ensure batch-to-batch consistency
• Compliance package contains the more commonly required compliance documents, found below

High Sensitivity
To achieve detection of low titer pathogens and reproducible detection of transcripts, TaqPath One-Step Multipass Master Mix has been optimized to a higher concentration 4X master mix, allowing you to add more samples to each reaction, even in low-volume reactions Increase sensitivity. Figure 1 shows the consistency of results obtained when testing a loading of 10 copies of the RNA target.

Wide dynamic range compatible with RNA and DNA
TaqPath One-Step Multipass Master Mix has been optimized to provide high specificity and dynamic range for RNA and DNA targets. Because virology laboratories frequently test for both RNA and DNA viruses, the TaqPath One-Step Multipass Master Mix is designed to measure both types of nucleic acids using a single protocol. This input flexibility can help you streamline the number of different workflows in your laboratory, thereby increasing efficiency. Figure 2 shows excellent PCR linearity over a 6-log RNA dilution series, and Figure 3 shows 6-log linear dynamic range for RNA and DNA targets.

Optimized for multi-pass detection
TaqPath One-Step Multi-Path Master Mix is validated to detect up to four targets simultaneously, allowing additional targets to be run simultaneously and/or Reference materials to achieve the purpose of improving efficiency or controlling quality. TaqPath One-Step Multi-Path Master Mix does not include ROX dye as an inert reference dye, but MUSTANG PURPLE dye, which emits at a longer wavelength, as an inert reference dye. This longer wavelength, inert reference dye enables the measurement of JUN dyes or dyes with similar emission wavelengths in the channels previously used to measure ROX dyes. Figure 3 shows the performance of TaqPath One-Step Multipass Master Mix in a quadruplex reaction with RNA and cDNA targets.

Inhibitor Tolerance
Unlike other master mixes on the market, TaqPath One-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix is uniquely formulated to withstand common PCR inhibitors even in the presence of It also provides robust performance in the presence of chemicals such as heparin, heme or EDTA, giving you greater confidence in handling a wide range of complex clinical samples. TaqPath Master Mix demonstrated greater inhibitor tolerance compared to competing master mixes (Figure 4).

Manufacturing Production and Process Control
TaqPath One-Step Multi-Path Master Mixes are produced under a strict quality management system using traceable, high-quality raw materials and proven Operating procedures. With quality control processes in place from procurement to QC release, TaqPath product manufacturing is designed to produce products with consistent performance from batch to batch.

Universal Reagents Manufactured to cGMP Standards
TaqPath Master Mixes are universal reagents, labeled "For Laboratory Use", ISO 13485 certified and FDA registered in compliance with cGMP Produced in standard factories.

Compliance Pack
To effectively support your compliance needs, the most commonly requested compliance documents are available here:
• With TaqPath Master Mix Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) followed statement.PDF">Quality Statement
• Detailed batch-specific Certificate of Inspection (COA) (see Documentation & Downloads section below)
Product Stability Statement
• Supplier Evaluation Support
-- CompletedSelf-Assessment
-- ISO Certificate
• For inquiries regarding EU REACH compliance, please email
BSE/TSE Statement< /a>
• Change control and notification
Didn't find the compliance document you need? Technical support team will be at your disposal at any time help.