The ProQuest™ Two-Hybrid System with Gateway™ Technology is a yeast-based in vivo system , used to identify interactions between two proteins. This interaction reconstitutes a functional transcription factor that activates a chromosomally integrated reporter gene, where transcriptional activation is monitored by cell growth on selective media.
The ProQuest™ System features:
•Gateway™ technology for fast, easy generation of bait and prey constructs and ease of downstream applications
•Low copy number DBD (DNA Binding Domain) and AD (Activation Construct) domain) vector (ARS/CEN) to control overexpression and improve reproducibility
• Three different reporter genes (HIS3, URA< /i>3 andlacZ), which have independent promoter regions for rapid elimination of false positives. The URA3 reporter allows positive and negative selection, supporting advanced two-hybrid techniques such as reverse two-hybrid.
•A set of strong to weak, Gateway™-based control interactions for evaluating results and assessing the strength of the tested interactions
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.